The TRIPLE team is proud to announce: At the Digital Humanities Awards 2022, GoTriple was voted second in the “Best DH Tools or Suite of Tools” category. Have a look at the complete list here.
GoTriple makes second place in DH Awards “Best DH Tool”

The TRIPLE team is proud to announce: At the Digital Humanities Awards 2022, GoTriple was voted second in the “Best DH Tools or Suite of Tools” category. Have a look at the complete list here.
Are you interested in helping with the initial testing of the Beta version of the GoTriple platform? We currently offer different ways to do just that! The TRIPLE project has partnered with another European H2020 project called ReachOut to recruit
The TRIPLE project proudly launches the Beta Release of the GoTriple platform,available for exploration at Download this press release text as a PDF What is GoTriple? GoTriple is an innovative multilingual discovery platform for the social sciences and humanities
We invite programmers, librarians and researchers with programming skills, repository managers and non-IT specialists who work with managing vocabularies to the first GoTriple Hackathon to improve the coverage of the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) in the vocabulary of the discovery
Your opinion is needed! Which tools would you like to have available on the GOTRIPLE platform? We would like to hear opinions from reserachers in the social sciences and humanities fields (future GOTRIPLE users) about what kind of services we
The TRIPLE consortium is glad to announce a collaboration with the European Digital Service Infrastructure (DSI) eTranslation. As part of the European Union’s Digital Single Market strategy, a variety of different Digital Service Infrastructures, also called “Building Blocks”, are funded by
The crowdfunding platform is one of the innovative services we plan to integrate with the discovery platform GOTRIPLE. The crowdfunding tool will help researchers finance their projects, thanks to the support of non-academic actors. Projects funded by this service can
At the end of October, we had issued a call for European experts from the social sciences and humanities (SSH) who would like to join the newly established TRIPLE Advisory Board (TAB). Many thanks to the twelve scholars who have
We are currently looking for Europe-based researchers from social sciences and humanities (SSH) disciplines to support our user research for the development of the GOTRIPLE discovery platform. Our project, TRIPLE, deals with social sciences and humanities (SSH) research, and our
From 16-19 November, you can find out more about the TRIPLE project and the GOTRIPLE platform by visiting the “Realising the European Open Science Cloud” joint event by the SSHOC, EOSC and FREYA projects. Participation at this event is free