In order for the TRIPLE project to succeed, the consortium has set up a strong organisational and management structure to address all tasks and responsibilities. The structure ensures the efficient cooperation between project partners and with stakeholders.
General Assembly
The whole consortium forms the General Assembly, which is the ultimate decision-making body of the TRIPLE project. It holds yearly plenary meetings, including all project partners. The project coordination reports to the General Assembly.
Project Coordination Team
The Project Coordination Team consists of the project coordinator, the scientific coordinator, the project manager, CNRS support staff and the TRIPLE communication officer (work package 8). It serves as the interface between the project and the European Commission and is in charge of internal and external communication. Meetings take place on demand.
Work Packages and WP Leaders Team
The Work Package Leaders Team ensures the coordination between the work packages and monitors their objectives. The team meets on a monthly basis and serves as the interface between the Project Coordination Team and the project partners.
Technical Board
The Technical Board is responsible for the technical viability and interoperability of the project. It is made up of the leaders of work packages 2, 4, 5 and 6, who meet twice a month.
Advisory Board
The TRIPLE Advisory Board (TAB), which currently consists of 12 scholars from a range of different disciplines, provides strategic direction and support of the Work Package Leaders Team. The focus is on specific technical issues. The TAB is meant to be a flexible, dynamic and rather informal group of external experts that is going to work in an open, agile format.
User Communities
TRIPLE’s philosophy is to directly and actively involve future users in the development and design process, i.e. researchers, companies and public institutions that are not part of the consortium. They actively engage via mailing lists, workshops and other events, for instance by providing feedback on the requirements and usability of the GoTriple platform.