The TRIPLE Community Mailing List mailing list has been created for all future users of the GoTriple platform and those interested in becoming actively involved in its development. It’s for all of you, whatever your background may be, and whether you’re an experienced member of the scientific community, a “newbie” in digital humanities or even just a curious citizen eager to learn more about state of the art research in the social sciences and humanities and about Open Science.
The mailing list has two major goals:
- First, it is meant to be a pool of future testers of the GoTriple platform. By signing up, you will be offered the unique opportunity to test and evaluate GoTriple – either the core discovery service or one of its complementary innovative services.
- Second, you will be regularly updated on the evolution of the TRIPLE project and the team’s accomplishments. We believe this information is essential for you to understand our project but also for you to be able to give us your opinion, advice or criticism on what we do.
If you want to join the TRIPLE community, insert your email below:

The TRIPLE Community Mailing List is managed by Huma-Num, including the processing of the contact details. For more information, please contact the TRIPLE Community Mailing List Coordinator, Emilie Blotière: