Dear Panelists, Presenters and Workshop leaders,
We look forward to welcoming you to our final TRIPLE conference, “Improving Discovery and Collaboration in Open Science”, in Bonn (Germany) from the 1st to the 3rd of February. This page provides general information to plan your stay in Bonn, Germany and lists the information the organisational team needs in preparation for the event.
Information for you:
- Please register via this link: Please keep in mind: If you have already registered to submit an abstract, you are not automatically registered as a participant in the conference.
- Find travel info and info on the conference venue “Wissenschaftszentrum” here:
- Please note that the final TRIPLE conference is planned as a hybrid event. Presenters and Panelists will be recorded. Please fill out the license agreement you can find here: License Agreement.
- From January on you will find a preliminary programme here:
Information we need from you:
- If you have yet to do so, please provide us with a picture (300dpi)and your short biography (100 words max.). If you are organizing a panel/workshop, please give a brief abstract for your workshop (250 words max.) Also, please provide us with short biographies of your panellists/workshop leaders. All this information must be submitted to the administrative team by the 5th of January via your account on
- Please send us your presentation by the 25th of January.
If you have any further questions or issues, do not hesitate to contact the administrative team and email our communication officer Sona Arasteh (
With kind regards,
Your TRIPLE Team