What applications should we integrate to make the platform more useful?
The TRIPLE work package 3 team is working on the integration of services, applications and plug-ins into the GoTriple Platform. What tools could be useful for a discovery and community building service such as GoTriple?
To find answers to this question the TRIPLE Work Package 3 team is organising a series of online webinars for potential users of the platform. The aim is to recognise the social sciences and humanities community’s (citizens, journalists, companies, public authorities etc.) ideas for future integration of GoTriple services for researchers and other stakeholders.
If you are:
- a researcher in social sciences and humanities, who is not afraid of various digital tools for data retrieval, analysis and dissemination,
- research infrastructure developer or provider,
- librarian or bibliologist,
- journalist or expert,
- public authorities representative or
- generally a user interested in the GoTriple discovery service,
the TRIPLE project invites you to share your perspective and needs during one of our online webinars held in April and May. The webinars will take place via Microsoft Team platform at 15.00-17.00 CEST on the following dates:
- 28 April 2022
- 5 May 2022
- 10 May 2022
- 17 May 2022
Please choose one spot that is most convenient to you and send your contact information via the registration form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVhU0NeyKjR8b4dMLEi86LUO16bI-ap1ye24JQ9GFiete0yA/viewform
If you have any questions regarding the webinars please send them to Magdalena Wnuk (magdalena.wnuk@ibl.waw.pl)
The GoTriple platform is an innovative multilingual and multicultural discovery solution for the social sciences and humanities (SSH). It will provide a central access point that will allow you to explore, find, access and reuse materials such as literature, data, projects and researcher profiles at European scale. It will not be a static platform as new services can be integrated in the platform.
During the webinars users of the GoTriple platform will have the opportunity to propose tools and services for its enrichment. The purpose of this these webinars is: a) to explore what would be the appropriate governance processes that the TRIPLE community should adopt for the integration of future services and user generated tools (“plug-ins”) and b) identify the ways in which users themselves can enrich (e.g. with their own adaptations or plug-ins) the innovative tools provided by TRIPLE.