The event
The TRIPLE project will organize the 2nd GoTriple Hackathon which will take place, virtually, on 7-9 March 2023. You can register here until the 5th of March.
The goal of the Hackathon
The public APIs of GoTriple platform are offered to software developers, system integrators and data aggregators. The Search REST APIs expose the metadata indexed in the GoTriple index for the three main classes of objects managed by the platform: documents, projects and researcher profiles. Document data is also available for data harvesters through the standard OAI-PMH protocol.
The API is presented in Deliverable D6.6 of TRIPLE: D6.6 API’s Development -RP3.
The Hackathon will engage people in rapid and collaborative engineering for developing applications that consume the above APIs. The Hackathon would be open to any idea that uses the APIs in a creative way.
Some ideas:
- An application that identifies in publication metadata (title, subject, abstracts) the geographic locations and/or historical periods that a publication refers to (spatial and temporal coverage), using, for example, Wiki Data.
- A web application where the user can create “thematic exhibitions”, curated sets of documents obtained from GoTriple.
- An application that uses third-party APIs and services (e.g. google scholar) to compute publication citations.
Who can participate?
We especially invite programmers, data aggregators, and IT persons who are interested in working with APIs to participate in this Hackathon.
How will the Hackathon take place?
The persons that will participate in the GoTriple Hackathon will form groups consisting of 3-6 people. We especially encourage participants to form their own groups before the hackathon begins. The hackathon is an online event.
Each group will choose the task that it will work on. Participants are expected to dedicate at least four hours to the Hackathon on the days of the event.
Each group will have its own room on MS Teams where they will be able to cooperate and interact, while there will be a common room where all participants will be able to meet and discuss the progress they have made, or the problems that they have encountered so far. There will be such meetings on the days of the Hackathon. The groups will have three days to fulfil their task after an initial meeting on the first day and on the last day there will be the final discussion on the outcome of the Hackathon.
For any questions or information please contact Iraklis Katsaloulis at ikatsaloulis@ekt.gr.