The TRIPLE project is financed under the INFRAEOSC-02-2019 funding framework “Prototyping new innovative services” (part of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme) with approx. 5.6 million Euros for a duration of 42 months (2019-2023). Its main output, the GoTriple discovery platform, is designed to be integrated into and thus to enrich the services of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) for the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) communities across Europe and beyond. GoTriple provides a single access point that allows the discovery, enrichment, semantic filtering, intelligent linking and reuse of all kinds of research artefacts that are relevant for the wide variety of disciplines under the umbrella domain of Social Sciences and Humanities.
What is the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)?
In the past ten years, “open research culture” has become synonymous with innovative, networked and maximally efficient knowledge creation. The EOSC aims to realize the vision of Open Science across Europe and to connect 1.7 million European researchers and 70 million professionals in science with each other as well as with a federated research data and infrastructure landscape.
The EOSC Portal is an entry point to the services and resources that European scholars and citizen scientists can rely on when engaging in the collaborative, multidisciplinary and cost-efficient creation of knowledge.
The EOSC has not been built from scratch but relies on previously built components of the European Open Science ecosystem.
For more information visit the EOSC Portal:
Link to the EOSC glossary (Dec. 2020 version), a list of EOSC-related terms and their definitions:
Also check out our EOSC-related webinars in the TRIPLE Open Science Training Series (slides and recordings freely available) as well as our YouTube playlist “TRIPLE and the EOSC”.
The EOSC enables open research and data workflows in all disciplines and scholarly domains, not only in the STEM fields that traditionally have a stronger impact on the development of Open Science than the SSH domain. The GoTriple platform, an OPERAS service, is among the very few European discovery services designed with the specific needs of SSH in mind. By including GoTriple on the EOSC, the European SSH communities at large can discover and reuse SSH resources across disciplinary and language boundaries.
The GoTriple platform is envisioned to play a crucial role in breaking down the silos that currently challenge multidisciplinary research both within and across the SSH domain. It brings together digital scholarly objects of all kinds from a wide range of databases, data repositories, publishing and aggregation services to promote findability and reduce fragmentation within SSH. This is a crucial step towards “bringing the long tail of Social Sciences and Humanities into Open Science”, addressed by Elena Giglia in a paper from 2019 on the OPERAS infrastructure in the Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science.
Furthermore, GoTriple enables interoperability with the larger Open Science and technical framework of the EOSC, thereby connecting the SSH data landscape with the European scholarly data commons as well as the larger Open Science frameworks and infrastructures.The GoTriple platform will also serve hand in hand with the SSH Open Marketplace, a resource to search for and find a wealth of research tools (developed by the SSHOC project), as the EOSC’s SSH component. Because of their complementary services, the GoTriple discovery platform and the SSHOC Marketplace will leverage maximum synergy.
Within the TRIPLE project, a dedicated work package (WP6) coordinates and guarantees that the ongoing development of the GoTriple platform is strongly aligned with the evolving technical, interoperability, sustainability and governance standards of the EOSC ecosystem and that GoTriple is eventually added to the EOSC catalogue.