The TRIPLE project is currently recruiting Ambassadors for the multilingual discovery platform GoTriple. Are you a fierce advocate for Open Science in the European Research Area? Would you like to help establish a multilingual discovery platform for the Social Sciences
Call for Projects: Crowdfunding Initiative Launched!
We are excited and proud to announce the launch of the OPERAS Crowdfunding Initiative – a special Christmas surprise for the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) community! The OPERAS Channel on the wemakeit platform To promote the use of crowdfunding
Looking back at the 1st TRIPLE International Conference
We would like to remember the first TRIPLE International Conference and look back the many contributions from speakers, panelists and moderators and the lively discussions with the audience. Read the full report here: What role do the social sciences and
Become an Early Tester of the GoTriple Beta Version!
Are you interested in helping with the initial testing of the Beta version of the GoTriple platform? We currently offer different ways to do just that! The TRIPLE project has partnered with another European H2020 project called ReachOut to recruit
Registration open for GoTriple Hackathon
We invite programmers, librarians and researchers with programming skills, repository managers and non-IT specialists who work with managing vocabularies to the first GoTriple Hackathon to improve the coverage of the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) in the vocabulary of the discovery
GOTRIPLE: Researcher opinions on tools
Your opinion is needed! Which tools would you like to have available on the GOTRIPLE platform? We would like to hear opinions from reserachers in the social sciences and humanities fields (future GOTRIPLE users) about what kind of services we
Event Summary: The First TRIPLE ThatCamp
TRIPLE’s first virtual ThatCamp, “Discovering Discovery: Envision your ideal research ecosystem for exploring research resources” on 11 May 2021 drew in over 50 participants from 15 different European countries (see the map below). Affiliated with libraries, universities, research institutions, government
A Warm Welcome to the TRIPLE Advisory Board Members!
At the end of October, we had issued a call for European experts from the social sciences and humanities (SSH) who would like to join the newly established TRIPLE Advisory Board (TAB). Many thanks to the twelve scholars who have
Call for TRIPLE Advisory Board
We’re looking for you! Are you a researcher (PhD level or higher) in one of the social sciences and humanities (SSH) disciplines? Would you like to contribute to the development of a highly innovative discovery solution at European level? Are