We’re looking for you!
- Are you a researcher (PhD level or higher) in one of the social sciences and humanities (SSH) disciplines?
- Would you like to contribute to the development of a highly innovative discovery solution at European level?
- Are you somewhat familiar with data harvesting processes?
- Are you keen to share your expertise in an interdisciplinary and multicultural environment?
- Are you interested in expanding your scientific network in the area of Open Science?
Then consider becoming a member of the TRIPLE Advisory Board! The TRIPLE consortium is currently looking for European SSH experts who would like to join this newly established body.
TRIPLE project
The TRIPLE project was launched on 7 October 2019 and is funded under the European Commission program INFRAEOSC-02-2019 “Prototyping new innovative services” until 2023.
The consortium consists of 19 partners from 13 European countries; the TRIPLE team comprises about 90 members of staff who work in one or more of the eight work packages.
GOTRIPLE platform
At the heart of the project is the development of the GOTRIPLE platform, an innovative multilingual and multicultural discovery solution for the social sciences and humanities. It will be one of the dedicated services of OPERAS, the Research Infrastructure supporting open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) in the European Research Area.
A first prototype of GOTRIPLE is planned to be released in autumn 2021.
Based on the Isidore search engine developed by the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the GOTRIPLE will provide a single access point for users (researchers, institutions such as universities and libraries, but also enterprises and the media)
- to discover and reuse open scholarly SSH resources in nine European languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Croatian, Polish, Italian), i.e. research data and publications, which are currently scattered across local repositories;
- to find and connect with other researchers and projects across disciplinary and language boundaries;
- to make use of innovative tools to support research (e.g. visualisation, annotation, trust building and recommender system);
- to discover new ways of funding research (e.g. crowdfunding).
The core of the GOTRIPLE platform will be mainly a “pipeline” where data are ingested, classified, enriched and categorised so they can be easily found and retrieved by the users.
After a year of preparatory work, we are now starting the actual development of the platform, but we are facing several scientific-technical issues. The main challenge we are currently dealing with is how to ensure the findability across the nine different languages and all SSH disciplines.
Role of the Advisory Board
The Advisory Board is meant to be a flexible and rather informal group of experts that is going to work in an open, agile format. Your contribution would not be on a regular basis but mainly upon request from the TRIPLE Work Package Leaders Team. It will, for instance, involve answering specific questions via email, taking part in short surveys or attending (online) meetings to discuss and decide on current issues.
For instance, we would like
- to know, based on your knowledge and experience, whether the categories developed by the MORESS project are the best (albeit not perfect) ones to categorise the SSH disciplines.
- to get your opinion on the current TRIPLE data model and whether it fits your discipline’s needs.
- to assess the TRIPLE thesaurus, currently under construction, and the selection of scientific concepts per discipline as well as their translation in the different languages.
At the beginning of your work in this body, we would of course share more details about the TRIPLE project and the current stage of the platform development.
For you, the Advisory Board provides an excellent opportunity to develop collaborations and to be identified as an official contributor to the TRIPLE project. For us, it is an opportunity to exchange with future users and to develop something truly relevant for the SSH community.
We expect to have this body established in November 2020.
Please note that the work is voluntary and cannot be compensated.
If you are interested in being part of this adventure and ready to join the Advisory Board, please contact the TRIPLE project coordinator, Suzanne Dumouchel, at Suzanne.Dumouchel[at]huma-num.fr.