The die is cast! Almost 300 users have voted on the name for the innovative discovery platform for the social sciences and humanities, and the winner is:
The name GOTRIPLE is in analogy to the TRIPLE project’s website domain https://www.gotriple.eu/.
In May 2020, we had asked our community to help us decide what to call the multilingual and multicultural discovery platform for the social sciences and humanities we are developing in the TRIPLE project. Everyone could cast their vote on the TRIPLE website until the end of August.
From the 49 initial suggestions by staff from the TRIPLE and OPERAS consortia, an internal committee created a shortlist of seven names to be checked for potential trademark and domain conflicts, which narrowed the list down to the following finalists, apart from GOTRIPLE:
- DiCoCo (Discover – Connect – Collaborate): an acronym of the TRIPLE slogan
- DISCOCO (DIscover – COnnect – COllaborate): another acronym variant of the TRIPLE slogan
- CompaSSH: a blend of “compass” and “SSH”, short for “social sciences and humanities”, the targeted disciplines of the platform
GOTRIPLE will provide a single access point for a variety of users (researchers, institutions such as universities and libraries, enterprises, consultancies and media representatives)
- to discover and reuse open scholarly SSH resources, i.e. research data and publications, across disciplinary and language boundaries
- to find and connect with other researchers and projects
- to make use of innovative tools to support research (e.g. visualisation, annotation, trust building system, social network and recommender system)
- to discover new ways of funding research (e.g. crowdfunding platform)
A prototype version of the platform, which is based on the Isidore search engine developed by Huma-Num (unit of CNRS), will be released in autumn 2021.
GOTRIPLE will be one of the dedicated services of OPERAS, the Research Infrastructure supporting open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities in the European Research Area.
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