TRIPLE has issued a Call for Tender for a feasibility study on the future scientific crowdfunding service which will be part of the innovative multilingual and multicultural discovery solution for the social sciences and humanities (SSH) that the TRIPLE project is currently developing. The purpose of the study is to shed light on the financial, legal and market feasibility of this scientific crowdfunding service. It is divided into 2 calls:
Call 1: “Market analysis for the implementation of a scientific crowdfunding service for the H2020 TRIPLE project”
The market analysis should focus rather on community than on institutional crowdfunding. The analysis must determine whether it is preferable to develop a new platform or to build on an existing one. In both cases, the market analysis should consider the contractual terms and conditions between the service provider and OPERAS AISBL.
Call 2: “Regulatory issues (financial and legal) concerning the implementation of a scientific crowdfunding service, in particular between French and European laws”
The financial and legal feasibility study should focus on regulatory issues, especially between national and European laws, in the context of crowdfunding (
Applicants have the possibility to respond to only one or to both calls. Deadline for the submission of bids is 8 July 2020.
You can find more information (in French) here: Fiche de consultation MAPA and here: