Welcome to the 1st TRIPLE International Conference
“Empowering Discovery in Open Social Sciences and Humanities“!
We have compiled some information materials about the TRIPLE project, some of its partners and about the GoTriple platform.
Enjoy reading!

TRIPLE Project
Website: https://project.gotriple.eu/
Twitter: @TripleEU
YouTube: TRIPLE Project
GoTriple platform
Website: https://www.gotriple.eu/
GoTriple video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HCNt1nZ2I0
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We’re looking for early testers to try out the Beta version of the GoTriple platform. There’s different ways how you can engage:
- Join the Beta testing campaign with the EU project ReachOut and be in with a chance of a 30 Euro reward for participating and helping us make GoTriple better. Please access the testing platform here: https://www.reachout-project.eu/view/Main/#TRIPLE_anc.
- If you’d like to be involved in the qualitative testing phase, get in touch with p.forbes@abertay.ac.uk or s.depaoli@abertay.ac.uk from TRIPLE partner Abertay University.
- Click on the “bug button” on the GoTriple platform website and complete a short bug reporting form.
The best way to stay tuned about the Beta testing is to subscribe to the TRIPLE Community Mailing List.
Find more details here and become a GoTriple usability tester!
TRIPLE partners
You can find a complete list of all 21 TRIPLE partners with links to their website here.
Website: https://www.cessda.eu/
Twitter: @CESSDA_Data
Video: “Meet the Director Ron Dekker – 10 Questions to Ron Dekker!” (https://youtu.be/EWMayu104N0)
Website: https://www.clarin.eu
CLARIN in EU projects: https://www.clarin.eu/content/clarin-eu-projects
CLARIN services in EOSC: https://www.clarin.eu/eosc
Ready-To-Use Language Resources page: https://www.clarin.eu/content/language-resources
Fact sheet: “Language Resource Switchboard” (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5495696)
Fact sheet: “Virtual Collection Registry” (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5482899)
Website: https://www.dariah.eu/
Twitter: @DARIAHeu
Flyer: “DARIAH”
Poster: “DARIAH”
Website: https://www.huma-num.fr/
Twitter: @Huma_Num
Max Weber Foundation (MWS)
Website: https://www.maxweberstiftung.de/en
Twitter: @webertweets
Brochure: “The Max Weber Foundation and its institutes”
Website: https://www.netseven.it/en/
Twitter: @netseven_it
Website: https://openknowledgemaps.org/
Twitter: @OK_Maps
Fact Sheet: “Open Knowledge Maps – Become a Supporting Member”
Website: https://www.operas-eu.org/
Blog: https://operas.hypotheses.org/
Twitter: @OPERASEU
SSHOC Project
Website: https://sshopencloud.eu/
Twitter: @SSHOpenCloud
SSHOC is the “sister project” of TRIPLE. While TRIPLE provides, with the GoTriple discovery service, a single access point that allows you to explore, find, access and reuse research publications and data, projects and researcher profiles, SSHOC develops the SSH Open Marketplace which provides access to SSH resources such as tools and trainings from third parties. Both projects thus work in complementarity on service governance to optimise user involvement and improve SSH research. As thematic hubs, SSHOC and TRIPLE will bring SSH research into the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
Watch the Fireside Chat video with Suzanne Dumouchel in which she talks about the TRIPLE-SSHOC relationship (https://youtu.be/Tk6jD17zlrs).
Fact sheet: “SSH Open Marketplace”
Fact sheet: “Clusters/Key Exploitable Results of SSH Open Marketplace”
If we had met on site in Warsaw, we would have offered you some TRIPLE cookies too!